Neovim Markdown Install I came across VIM Markdown Composer as I was looking to edit more using tmux and Neovim. Installed Rust and Cargo following instructions using the guidance from the Github page. Interestingly, this installed a lot of packages in Rust very slowly. Cargo is a package manager for Rust I think.
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For API errors in Loopback, create a new schemaupdate.js file in server\boot to correct any errors for GET and POST calls. var async = require(‘async’); module.exports = function(app, cb) { var datasources = Object.keys(app.dataSources); async.eachSeries(datasources, function(dsName, cb) { var ds = app.dataSources[dsName]; ds.isActual(function(err, actual) { if (err) return cb(err); if (actual) { console.log(‘datasource’, dsName, ‘is up to date’); return cb(); } ds.autoupdate(function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); console.log(‘datasource’, dsName, ‘updated’); cb(); }); }); }, cb); };
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