** Note: this post addressed the boot error gbb.flags is nonzero: 0x00000489 in Chromebook. Hope this helps anyone else who faces similar problem ** So I tried to install GalliumOS on my 4-5 year old Dell Chromebook 11 (1st Gen) yesterday. I rushed into referrring to Archlinux link. Having put the Chromebook in developer mode, I set to ‘Boot to SeaBIOS by default’ without Disabling Hardware Write Protection. So I ended up setting some flags that bricked the Chromebook.
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In this post, I will enlist the steps followed to renew the Gitlab Pages https certificate for this website. This post assumes that the certifcate has already expired, and hence the certbot verification that is required to generate a new certificate will not work over https, only http. Prepare for a new certificate Edit config.toml and change https to http.        This is necessary for certbot verification. Under Gitlab project Settings on the left column, click on Pages.
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I had some issues installing Minikube on MacOS Sierra (10.12.6). This is a quick post to the workaround that worked for me. I tried following comments on (https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/2765) but they didn’t work for me unfortunately. Install minikube version 0.25.2 curl -Lo minikube https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/v0.25.2/minikube-darwin-amd64 && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/ minikube start minikube start –container-runtime=cri-o
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Neovim Markdown Install I came across VIM Markdown Composer as I was looking to edit more using tmux and Neovim. Installed Rust and Cargo following instructions using the guidance from the Github page. Interestingly, this installed a lot of packages in Rust very slowly. Cargo is a package manager for Rust I think.
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For API errors in Loopback, create a new schemaupdate.js file in server\boot to correct any errors for GET and POST calls. var async = require(‘async’); module.exports = function(app, cb) { var datasources = Object.keys(app.dataSources); async.eachSeries(datasources, function(dsName, cb) { var ds = app.dataSources[dsName]; ds.isActual(function(err, actual) { if (err) return cb(err); if (actual) { console.log(‘datasource’, dsName, ‘is up to date’); return cb(); } ds.autoupdate(function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); console.log(‘datasource’, dsName, ‘updated’); cb(); }); }); }, cb); };
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Gitlab CI for Hugo

As mentioned in the previous post, I use Hugo and Gitlab to host, build and deploy our site. In this post, I share the code that uses Gitlab’s Continuous Integration feature that allows us to build and deploy the site using code below. Create .gitlab-ci.yml in the root directory of your Hugo site with the code below. image: publysher/hugo pages: script: - hugo -v artifacts: paths: - public only: - master What does Gitlab CI do?
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Mistryious.com is built using Hugo and is hosted on Gitlab Pages. It uses Gitlab CI for pushing new content and changes to the site. In this post, I share how custom domains can be setup for personal projects in Gitlab. The guidance on Gitlab for this setup is a little outdated hence it took me some time to set it up with my domain provider. Register on Gitlab. Create a new project repository.
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