Mistryious.com is built using Hugo and is hosted on Gitlab Pages. It uses Gitlab CI for pushing new content and changes to the site.

In this post, I share how custom domains can be setup for personal projects in Gitlab.

The guidance on Gitlab for this setup is a little outdated hence it took me some time to set it up with my domain provider.

  1. Register on Gitlab.
  2. Create a new project repository.
  3. Access the project ‘Pages’ from Settings menu.
  4. Your Gitlab Pages project should be served under http(s)://username.gitlab.io/projectname.
  5. Log on to your custom domain provider DNS settings and add the records as below.
Type Host Value TTL
A Record @ Automatic
A Record www Automatic
CNAME Record yourcustomdomain.com username.gitlab.io Automatic
URL Redirect Record (optional) @ https://yourcustomdomain.com

After a few minutes, your custom domain should now point to http(s)://username.gitlab.io/projectname. Let me know how it goes. If there are any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll be happy to respond.

In the next post, I will cover how to enable free HTTPS/TLS for your custom domain using LetsEncrypt on Gitlab Pages.